Who can benefit from treatment?

Anyone who has an acute concussion or is suffering from Persistent Concussion Symptoms (PCS).

If you don’t want to wait for the concussion clinic or you have already gone through this service.

Do I need to be referred?

No you do not need a referral from your GP. You can self refer or be referred by another health professional.


I am an ACC provider, so you can have subsidised treatments. 

I can also lodge an ACC claim for you if you do not already have one. However concussion diagnoses will need to be confirmed by your GP.

Private insurance:

You need to check directly with them first.

Do I treat children?

Yes. often they might not complain after a fall or a bang to the head, but you might see some changes in behaviour, tiredness, tummy aches, or just not feeling themselves. It is important to have them checked so they can get back to their busy life and learning.

How long will it take?

It will depends on the severity of your symptoms and how long ago the injury occurred. Usually a minimum of 4-6 treatments are recommended. Regular reviews will inform the process.